5 tips to improve your website content

Clear website content

Be clear in your website content

By Margo Myers, Margo Myers Communications

I was asked recently by a client to update the company’s website content, and make sure the online message was consistent with the services it offered. Part of the issue meant determining the client’s audience, and then delivering the content in such a way that it spoke to their ideal customer.

The content on the site ‘before’ we started was vague, with few benefits that potential customers could identify. Going through and updating the content meant creating a more professional ‘look and feel’ for the overall site, including making it easier for people to learn more about the company’s people and the services it offered.

Here are 5 tips for creating a professional online message!

1. Be clear about your message and what you’re offering. Clarity counts. Be specific about the benefits and services your company offers. You don’t need to list everything but the kitchen sink, but you should say or show right up front if you are selling a certain product, why potential customers should buy it, the cost, and even testimonials. If you are selling a book and actively looking for speaking engagements — have a place on the home page where people can buy the book or hire you to speak! Don’t make them hunt for an opportunity to buy from you.

2. Have the proper tabs where potential customers can find what they need. Many websites have the following pages: Home (an overview), Services or Products, About, Blog, Contact, and In the News (for announcements or press releases). There may be an Events, or a Calendar page as well. Keep the tab names simple. Make it easy for your customers or potential clients to learn about your company, and make it easy for them to find the information. If you get too fancy with your tab names, people won’t be sure what to click on, and likely won’t. Don’t waste people’s time.

3. Concrete results. What kind of results do you or your company offer? What kind of benefits will customers see? I’ve worked with clients that had a fuzzy way of describing what people get from their services. It came across as some kind of magic, or a feeling that seemed ill-defined and even a little ‘woo woo.’ Customers won’t buy it. Offer the benefits of more employee productivity, improved communication, less employee turnover, or whatever the benefit is to the potential customer. The bottom line matters, and if these benefits can save a company money, show how you’ve done it, either by example or testimonial.

4. Don’t be shy – identify you and your team, credentials, awards and why you’re the best for the job. One thing I encourage clients to include is an About page, or a page About the Team. Include photos, a mini-bio, and any awards or special certifications that make you or your team stand out. People do business with those they know, like and trust. A professional photo helps people know you, as does a little background story on why you and your team are with the company, and why you are the best for the job.

5. Keep it professional. Look objectively at your website and ask yourself if you would do business with this company. Are there typos? Grammatical errors? You know what kind of message that sends your potential clients.

Use an ‘easy to read’ font, and don’t make the font size too small. Twelve or 14 point type is a standard size. Black or dark type on a white background is the easiest to read, and there have been studies done on this that show high contrast works best. It’s not as easy to read colored or white text on a black background, even though there’s still high contrast.

What kind of photos, graphics or artwork do you use? Do they match the message of what your company delivers? It’s okay to show personality, but make sure it conveys the right message of competency.

Your website can be one of the best advertisements for you and your company, so make sure you’re making the best impression you can!

Margo Myers, Principal, Margo Myers Communications




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