
Change Their Minds, Change the Conversation
As much as we women like to think there is progress being made, it’s an uphill battle for most women to reach the C-suite! I heard an awesome speaker, Cindy Solomon, yesterday at the Key4Women luncheon sponsored by Key Bank…. Read more

Boating Couples — Smooth sailing? Or Rough Passage?
I always make sure the wheel is ‘centered’ before I put the engines in reverse and pull away from the dock. I know it’s an elementary move, but if I forget, my Coast Guard licensed husband will wonder what the… Read more

From my Winemaker Friends…..
I received this press release from illustrious local winemaker Bob Betz about the benefits of drinking wine! (Of course, Bob says he knew it all along). But as we head into this Labor Day weekend, and you’re considering a glass of… Read more
It’s Not an Easy Job….. but it’s fun!
So a lot of people wonder about my transition from broadcast news to PR, and what it’s like. They ask me if I have a lot more time? (Not really, and in PR, you’re always on call!) Do I miss… Read more
When Stock Markets Zig and then Zag
I got a kick out of this article at Forbes about how to escape from a bear. It’s a tongue-in-cheek look at the volatile stock market and what investors might want to consider doing. And while it’s tongue-in-cheek, in the… Read more

Local Entrepreneur Honored at White House
Update!!! Jenn was invited to go on New Day NW with Margaret Larson to talk about her award!! She was awesome, and it was a very fun day at KING! I love it when my friends and clients have success!!… Read more

Get Connected!
I work with a number of different people in a wide variety of industries — from hospitality, to marketing, to boating, environmental products to publishing and public speaking. And it never fails to amaze me how small the world really… Read more

Golf Fore Red Saturday!
This is a great and fun golf event put on by Golf Fore Red, and my friend Mary Robinson! Unfortunately, a shoulder injury will keep me from the course this year, but please give them your support, and I hope… Read more
The New World of Marketing
In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, a new article in the McKinsey Quarterly tells of changes, and how we’re all becoming marketers for our companies. With social media, YouTube, and other touchpoints with customers, how we engage them will… Read more