Feeling Overwhelmed? One Thing to Help You Cope
Feeling overwhelmed can be paralyzing. From having too many things to do, to not knowing what to focus on, to trying to control that ‘swirl’ going on in your head — feeling overwhelmed can simply be exhausting. I know. I’ve been there. And so have many of the people I’ve coached who find themselves in a job they hate, or frustrated with their career progress and wondering what’s not clicking for them.
We tell ourselves stories that add to being overwhelmed…
When we live in our heads and can’t find a path forward, we nearly always come up with some story that we tell ourselves. It may or may not be true. We get attached to these stories. (It’s my story, and I’m sticking with it). “I’m not good enough.” “If only I was (smarter, younger, skinnier).” “I need more experience before I apply for that job.” The stories go on and on.
I knew the right path…
For years, when I worked as a TV news reporter trying to land the next gig in a bigger market, my goals were clear. I wanted to gain more exposure, add to my experience, and make more money. I had a pretty clear idea of what I needed to do: make a video featuring my best stories, apply to jobs in markets/cities where I wanted to live, and follow up with the news director who did the hiring. I networked. I made sure my ‘personal brand’ was that of hard worker, great storyteller, and team player. I was lucky (and a hard worker)! I landed most of the jobs I wanted in great cities, and worked with awesome teams.
And then, I didn’t…
And then I left the world of TV news. I initially had no idea where to turn, what to do, what I wanted to do next, and how to get out of my head and figure it out. It was a tough time. It meant sleepless nights, feeling stupid, frustrated, and not knowing the next step on how to move forward. I wasn’t sure what to do, but, being action-oriented, I jumped in and started my own business. While it’s had its ups and down, I LOVE being my own boss, and the flexibility it gives me. Most of all, I love that I get to help other people successfully work through similar situations.
Having a guide helps tremendously…
When I look back, I wish I had had a coach. It would have helped give some order to my life, helped me focus on priorities, and create better self-awareness around my strengths. I would have been so much more efficient with better use of my time. And having someone who’s been through it would have helped with the ‘overwhelm’ and those feelings of frustration and confusion. Which is why I often work with a business coach now – to help me figure out next steps. Having someone who’s outside of the swirling emotion can help us see things we’re unaware of when we’re stuck in the middle of it.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, and tired of those sleepless nights, give me a call. Send me an email. I’m happy to chat to see if there’s a more clear path forward.
margo@margomyers.com, 206-604-4535.