GoGirl Academy ‘Dress Rehearsal’ — Full
GoGirl Academy ready to go! I’m excited to announce, along with founders Jenni Hogan and Suzanne Keel-Eckmann, that our ‘dress rehearsal’ class for GoGirl Academy is full!! We are looking forward to launching our first class next week on Personal Branding, and we’re bringing in longtime branding guru Lorraine Howell to conduct our first class. Your brand matters. (Think successful brands such as Oprah, Coca-Cola, Nike). Ideally, it’s a reflection of your values and passions that translates into how others see you. What actions you take should reflect who you are — your personal brand.
9 other classes after that. Of course, once you define your brand, we have 9 more classes on mentorship, community involvement, networking, public speaking, writing, personal style and more — all to help women accelerate their careers. Be looking for more information about GGA!