Launching a New Book and Why You Should, Too

ExpertBook_cover-354x491-216x300I’m very excited to announce the launch of my new book with Karen Lynn Maher of LegacyONE Authors, entitled ‘ExpertBook Marketing Made Simple, Publicizing and Promoting Your Book.’ It’s a book aimed at new or first-time authors who are considering writing a book about their area of expertise, and have questions about the marketing aspects before they even begin! If they’ve already completed their book, it’s a practical, easy read about steps to take to get the word out about their new book.

How This Book Came About

The project started a couple of years ago when I spoke at an eWomen Network luncheon in Bellevue. Karen, who’s company helps people get started writing their books, asked if I would consider putting together a guide for her clients about marketing their books after she had taken them through the writing process. I had experience working with several authors, from naming their books and creating covers, to writing press releases, setting up book signings and organizing media interviews in magazines, and on TV and radio. I agreed, and over time, it morphed into a larger effort!

3 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book

Instant Credibility. It seems many professionals are writing their own books today, and it’s easy to do with the advent of self-publishing. A book is the new calling card for business professionals. Think about it – what do you do when someone hands you a business card? Many times, it goes into our pocket or purse, and then into a stack of other peoples’ cards on our desk. But if you hand someone a book, that’s an entirely different proposition. This is your instant credibility as an ‘expert’ in your field. Of course, the quality of your book has to be there. There are many poorly written and poorly designed books. You want your book to reflect your professionalism, and attention to detail. Make it count.

Potential Clients Get to Know You. If a potential client takes the time to read your book, they get to know you, and get a feel for how you think and what you believe. They are spending time with you and reading about how you could possibly help them. Your voice becomes familiar to them, and they are more likely to hire you.

Helps Expand Your Platform. Many times, an author doesn’t expect to make a ton of money from writing their book. The return comes by expanding your platform for speaking engagements, and meeting more potential clients. That’s where the additional money will come in. If someone is considering a speaker for their event, will she choose the person who has a list of speaking engagements on his resume, or will she choose the person who has a book AND a list of speaking engagements? Chances are, the person who’s already a published author will be chosen.

We’re officially launching our book at the end of June 2013. Karen and I have put a lot of effort into it, using this opportunity to learn more about the book publishing process, what works best, and also learn what we would do differently next time. That’s valuable knowledge we can pass on to our clients in the future, and might even be a new book (or at least a 2nd edition)! In fact, Karen just returned from New York and the Book Expo where even renowned experts like Guy Kawasaki are now saying — go write your book, and publish it yourself. (We talk about steps to take in our book)!

If you would like to buy ExpertBook Marketing Made Simple, please visit this link: It’s also available in a downloadable Kindle version. And how cool is this? I even have an Author’s Page on Amazon at

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Margo Myers, Principal




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