Non-Traditional Marketing — Why Nike’s ‘Lapping’ the Competition
If you’re in marketing — whether it’s for yourself, or your company, you’ll want to keep a close eye on what Nike is doing. Whether you love or hate the ‘swoosh’ — you have to give the company credit for being a trendsetter when it comes to marketing their brand. And in the newest evolution of advertising — Nike is going non-traditional. Instead of ‘commercials’ and traditional ads, Nike is going where its customers are — building online digital communities and leveraging its relationships with customers (read: communities) that in turns, sells products.
Check this out — excerpted from the article linked below: “Nike spent nearly $800 million on ‘nontraditional’ advertising in 2010, according to Advertising Age estimates, a greater percentage of its U.S. advertising budget than any other top 100 U.S. advertiser. (And Nike’s latest filings indicate that that figure will grow in 2011.) It’s hired scores of new engineers to make technology for online communities (Digital Sport has grown from 100 to 200 employees in the past six months and has moved into a larger space on the outskirts of campus). And the brand has overhauled its $100 million-plus campaigns around major events like the World Cup and Olympics to focus on online campaigns first. The result? Before, the biggest audience Nike had on any given day was when 200 million tuned in to the Super Bowl. Now, across all its sites and social media communities, it can hit that figure any day.”
You can guess — with the Olympics coming up, you’re only going be reading more about Nike, and maybe even using your Nike app that keeps your workout on track!
Full disclosure — I just bought Nike shoes — ‘Free’ and they are like slippers. You can’t even tell that you’re wearing them when working out!
Margo Myers, Principal, Margo Myers Communications