What's your confidence level?

5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence

April 14, 2017

What’s your confidence level? Is it high? Does it need a boost? Or does it just depend on the day? This has come up in a couple of recent conversations I’ve had with people – and they’ve been struggling with… Read more

How the most effective leaders keep calm

July 6, 2016

One of the questions that recently came up in my Facebook group, High Impact Executives, is about leaders and CEO’s who are able to remain calm under pressure. I wrote about the superpower of equanimity here related to my experience as… Read more

How to raise your visibility in your career

July 5, 2016

One of my clients recently talked about his need to ‘raise his visibility’ at work. He’s hard-working, has a measure of success in his field, and appears to be well-liked by his team. And yet, he seems to be practically… Read more

Margo Myers Communications